A little update on where we are with our non-profit Kids of Kathmandu that is now just over a year old.
We are going back... Tickets were booked yesterday and I"m so excited.
We have so much to do there, first and most importantly to see the kids that inspired and are the reason that Kids of Kathmandu was created in the first place. We cant wait.
We also have many projects in the works that we will be working:
Visiting the new private school they are attending as a result of our fundraising efforts this past May.
Meeting with solar energy companies regarding our solar panel project for next year.
Exploring the idea of an eco-farm with a group that is already doing some great work in this direction with other orphanages.
And the timing feels exciting as we booked our tickets right as Dashain is upon us, the biggest Nepali festival of the year. Read more about it here
Stay in touch as we are planning an amazing event for December in NYC!
peace and love!
"Never doubt that a small group of committed individuals can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Meade, from a sign on the bedroom wall of my sister, Jami Saunders, circa 1997