We spent a couple nights on each end with my Grams in Cleveland...my 93 year young Grams if i might add.
Can i just say, i think she does more upkeep on her house than I do?
She changes the sheets, she empties the humidifier, she waters the lawn, she pulls the drapes, she irons the clothes, she washes the dishes, she makes pies, she reads voraciously, she needlepoints just the same, she swims 5x a week, and she gives me lots of crap when i dont know the meaning of a word in scrabble that she puts down.
I did a photo essay on Grams in the beginning of my photo career. She was fascinating then. And now, almost 10 years later, she hasnt skipped a beat.
(She also hates when i take her picture! You think she'd be used to it by now...)

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