Friday, December 31, 2010

Oh my lovelies...Happy New Year!

Happy New Year 2011 from jami saunders on Vimeo.


  1. Jami! Andrew! Thank you so much! It's amazing video! We do love it!!! You are so beautiful!! Lawrence loves this soundtrack and he danced first time when he heard the song!! Happy New Year! You are so real and unreal in the same moment! We love you guys! We wish you a lot of sparkling moments full of smiles, adventures and love!!!!

  2. thank you Olga! i can totally hear your voice in your email! you're so cute! i'm so glad lawrence is dancing, probably with a huge smile knowing your adorable family. happy new year to you guys! all the best! xxx

  3. OMG!!! Yes, as usual, your work brought tears to my eyes!!!! You, my dearest daughter, are so in the moment, so full of life and love, so engaged in what living is all about!!!! What an example you are to the world!! The two of you are unbelievably creative and do a great job of showing the rest of us how love, fun, wild abandon and laughter can make all of us better people, because we witnessed these things in you!! Thank you for this most unique New Year's greeting! I shall treasure it always!
    love you both!

  4. Vram and I watched this three times in a row..we adore it and adore you very much and happy new year! cant wait to celebrate soon - Maleks

  5. so fun!! john and i loved watching your video-smiling from ear to ear the entire video! You guys are so creative! Happy New Year 2011 to you! Love and miss you! Hope to see you in 2011! Much love-Christina

  6. adorable! just watched + still smiling!

  7. Oh you two! I second what your Mommy wrote...she nailed it. Happy happy good stuff to you's to a great 2011!
    A + M + O
