I cant pretend that i think its anything less than TOTALLY AWESOME that my friends from growing up are still a huge part of my life....and last weekend we had sort of an impromptu reunion with 8 of us girls in the hometown, that would be Dallas (Go Cowboys, Go Cowboy Cheerleaders, Go Larry Hagman, go RHS Eagles....oh yea, and go 107 degree summer temperatures!)
It was so much fun to see everyone's kids playing together (bar mine which dont yet exist)...and our parents there too...3 generations ...it really was a family reunion of the bestest kind.
stay cool! love you all...or should i say love Y'ALL! xx
OK, since I was there, I have the right to say that you captured everyone's precious jewels as only you could!!! ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE!!! And those hats and boas take the cake!!! What an amaaaaazing photog you are!! I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo proud that you are MY little one!!!! Love you!
OK, since I was there, I have the right to say that you captured everyone's precious jewels as only you could!!! ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE!!! And those hats and boas take the cake!!! What an amaaaaazing photog you are!! I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo proud that you are MY little one!!!! Love you!