Tuesday, February 23, 2010


oh wow. OH WOW! InDiA!

cars, rickshaws, dogs, more dogs, kids, colors, horns, honks, smiles, oh so friendly people, FOOD, (tikka fish tonight made Andrew cry, no seriously), the most amazing flow of traffic ever, rupees, sun...and very soon sleep.

quick traffic visual...imagine park avenue with the 2 way traffic. now take out the median. now take out the traffic lights. now take out the crosswalks. now add motorized rickshaws, motorcycles (why do only the men wear helmets???) , add people crossing. but it flows! kind of like your screen saver when the swirly lines and shapes move everywhere, weaving in and out crossing over and under. its beautiful chaos!! oh yea, chaos!

anyway...we thought we'd try and do a picture a day from each of us....depending on internet connection ,etc...

here's today...from Humayums Tomb in Delhi....

Indian Teenage Boys


and Andrew on the top of the monument taking my picture of the picture! I had no idea..and I love it.


goodnight from India!

1 comment:

  1. ahh, this is so awesome to see you where we were exactly a week ago!
