Anyway, the kids missed their bus this morning so we walked them to school. About a 25 minute walk, through these small walk paths in the village. What a tour! (andrew and i retraced our steps later with cameras..) These guys are carrying big backpacks, wearing sweaters, and its hot! I heard not one complaint. We carried what backpacks we could, and followed them since they knew the way. The little guy at the lead would stop every so often and wait for everyone to catch up. They are too cute.
They are practicing their English with us. We wondered beforehand, are we forcing our culture on them by teaching OUR language? But so clearly we were off. English is the common ground across the world. This is the one tangible key for them to a better job and a better life. Already you can see which kids are really hungry for it, and which are not. We are playing all sorts of games to practice english and its fun! (Plus we're learning enough nepali to get by...And charades always works too.)
Moving part of the day...the kids sitting in front of their little homemade altar at sundown, lined up in 3 rows, one of the oldest girls leading the Hindu prayers, no light except the candles at the altar, and the sound of little voices singing honestly, singing loudly.
Brilliant shot by Andrew! These little kids eat rice and drink breastmilk. And i have to say they are little pudgy happy babies!

I've been doing yoga with the kids in the mornings. And this is my star student.

Susma is a bit of a tough chic on the outside, but not so on the inside. Understandably so, she is only 16 but makes sure all the younger girls are taken care of each morning before school.

And this is one of the women we ran into on our walk through the village.

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